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Journal # 19: Sexual Dysfunctions

In sectiom 11.3 it disucsses the many different types of sexual dysfunctions men and women can have. Sexual dysfunctions are persistent problems with sexual interest, arousal, or response

They are classified between sexual desire disorders, sexual arousal disorders, and orgasmic disorders. Some of the reasons that people expierence these problems can be declining hormone levels, family or heretical health problems, psychological problems, negitives attitudes towards sex, bad communication with the relationship, bad expierences, and sex or performance anxiety: which is anxiety expierenced in performance situations ( including sexual acts) stemming from a fear of negitive evaluation of one's ability to perform. People or couples can attend sex therapy to treat these problems if they become regular. Sex therapy is a set of relatively brief, problem focused therapuetic techniques for treating sexual dysfunctions. Overall, if couples go through these problems and attend sex therapy most sessions end successfully.​

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